Women and STEAM

Women and STEAM

Fields like tech and engineering are overwhelmingly male dominated - but that doesn’t mean as a woman you can’t get involved.  You also don’t have to be doing the same exact things or change your ideas just to fit in, especially when it comes to 3D modeling and printing.  Being in a man’s world doesn’t have to mean thinking and acting the same way if that’s not your natural interest.

The amazing thing about knowing how to 3D model yourself is that now you can design things that YOU want to design - you’re not at the mercy of what everyone else is modeling and uploading to sites where you can download the stl files.  And if anything, the 3D printing world would benefit from these more niche, fresh perspectives.  If I didn’t decide to take matters into my own hands for the drum earrings I couldn’t find, my own business ideas would never have been able to exist.  Imagine if I shied away from the entire field of modeling and printing, because my interest wasn’t designing gears, bridges, etc?  Or because at first glance, it didn’t seem like a world I fit into?

I’ve also seen groups like The Laser Girls who model, print, and sell things like nail extensions, jewelry, and cosplay props.  Of course if you want to work for a particular company, you’ll have to be working on things that the company needs.  But whether for a hobby or your own entrepreneurial journey, it is extremely empowering to learn these skills (regardless of gender).  You can create your own sub-world within the larger community where you’re taking these “masculine” skills and applying them to your own unique ideas.  You may even find the perfect community for you actually already existed, and you just needed to get started to find out.

At Angieneering Academy, we have a group full of all walks of life - musicians, engineers, DJs, dancers, fashion designers, visual artists, and more.  Join us to get support, learn new and exciting skills, and find like-minded people!

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